Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Let's talk about the system

It stinks.

Okay----here's how it goes. You get referred for a complete developmental evaluation. You wait 4-6 months for your official appointment to diagnosis your child (sometimes longer---I've heard up to a year in Philadelphia). Birth-3 comes earlier but these kids need intensive therapy. It's not near enough.

You wait longer to get wraparound services. You have to have all these meetings, pick an agency, etc.

So basically you wait over 6 months to get intensive therapy started. So if we hadn't met a gal who knows Lovaas ABA we'd still be in a state of complete panic.

I've said it before. We got lucky. We have made huge strides and it's because of ABA.

So what is wrong with this picture. The typical family has just wasted 6 months of CRUCIAL development time. Time to remap the brain and get on that upswing.

This is the time you hear parents talk about---the time they see their kids "slipping away."

Sad, huh? No not sad------------------horrific.


Anonymous said...

I think that the other problem is that doctors are not always ready or willing to recommend the evaluation EARLY, when the symptoms first appear. Taylor got lucky that you didn't quit when the pediatrician failed to recognize the signs.


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