Sunday, June 03, 2007

gearin' up for Sopranos

I'm so pumped for these last 2 episodes. The last couple episodes were damn good. Little teeth crushin' and murdering relatives goes a long way. lol. After The Sopranos exit I think I'm done with TV for the summer. Goodbye to the tube for a couple months. It really is a big electronic fat generator. I think I'm headed back to Weight Watchers too. Lord---I wonder how much money they'll get from me in this lifetime.

I'm gonna catch up on some reading. Been wanting to finish all of Augusten Burroughs' books. Great books. He is very entertaining and what a life! Any other reading suggestions?



Tracy said...

lol... electronic fat generator - NOW i know what my problem is :-)
i have some of my favorite authors on my blogger profile if that helps for the book suggestion. most of them do fun books - what my dh's family would call beach books. :-)

Donna Layton said...

Well, I know you love Sopranos. Of course, I'm still not clear on what it is. I do wish I had a program to watch. Now that AI is over there is nothing left for me. Tracy is going to remind me when Big Brother starts. I think I'd like that.