Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Autism on Oprah today

Just thought I'd throw that out there if anyone wants to watch. :)


Kerilou said...

I watch it, Michelle...wondered all through it if you were watching, and what you were thinking...mixed emotions about it over a 2peas. Will you get the book? She brought up some very good points about allergies/diet..well, from what I thought, anyway! Let me know what you thought! Keri

tina said...

Hey Michelle, I missed the Oprah, but heard a show on NPR about autism and aspergers syndrome and thought of you. You've been on my mind, and I've been keeping you in my prayers as well. I'm also sending the link to my sister whose now teenage son was diagnosed with aspergers when he was a pre-schooler. Here it is in case you're interested: http://theinfinitemind.com/